Monday 28 April 2014

Weekly target

During the course of our lessons for the Variety Showcase project, we have been given the opportunity of setting ourselves individual weekly targets. These targets can be published on to our blogs and on to 3D Learning during the course of this project.
My target for this week is:

To learn the lyrics and movement to the song Cabaret.
To be sharp in the cheorgaphy 
To smile and enjoy myself

In order to pass this I will need to read through my lyric sheet at home and in college. I will also need to spend more time in lessons and out of lessons going through the actual dance routine to the song with my group members and family to help me.

Review of target
I feel that I am near of completing this target because I now i feel that I need to be sharp with my movement side of the number Cabaret and I feel that my Charleston has improved a lot better. I also feel that I am beginning to know the lyrics to the song as well but I do still need to learn them of by heart.

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