Monday 28 April 2014



In today's rehearsals we went through the choreography and lyrics to all of our musical numbers that we will be performing in the Variety Showcase. I feel that we are all familiar with both the lyrics and movement to the Cabaret number but there are still a few areas to improve. However for the Cabaret number I need to ensure that I am  smiling and singing throughout the performance while still doing the choreography. Today our teachers made us do the routine while the where pretending to be children.

For the Bruno Mars number I feel that I am improving at the whole thing the singing and choreography to the performance. However I do feel that as it is such a love and likeable song, I feel that I look like I am enjoying the song and to feel relaxed and chilled not looking like I'm not enjoying it.

For the Matilda number there is still a lot of work that needs to be done, both choreography-wise and lyrics. I am quite confident with the movement side. But for all 3 musical numbers I need to make sure that I am smiling and look more like I am enjoying myself.

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