Monday 9 June 2014

Variety showcase poster

This is the poster for the variety showcase which looks so bright and nice. The dates and time are written on the poster even the cost.

Monday 2 June 2014

Variety showcase review

With all 3 performances of the variety show done and I really enjoyed doing the this unit. I have  been a part of a production and a show such as variety show and I feel that this show has gave me confidence in singing and dancing. I do feel that I have been working hard in the unit as I have done singing and dancing as an experience before.I feel that I have come out of my comfort zone with my voice and i feel that it  has improved very good  since I last sang. I also feel that I am more confident with singing out aloud than I was before. The only thing I need to work on with my voice is breathe. I can never really reach those higher notes without taking a breathe but sometimes we i can quite reach the note.I also feel that my I have improved and I have become more open and more confident. A target that I have been working for some time now in this project is making that my movement is sharp at all times and smiling when I am on stage and I do feel that I have achieved this target as throughout the musical numbers that I was in for the variety show, I was smiling throughout the variety show on my face and I feel that I looked more sharper with my movement.

This was one of the costume which we had to put on for the number called cabret song. we had to dress up in all black, black t-shirt with star on the back and we had to wear some joggers .

Today we watched the videos of our numbers that we were in and I enjoyed watching and to see how we were doing in the numbers we performed on stage. I thought the Bruno Mars number did go well but We needed to make sure that we put more energy into the performance.This is because when I was performing it, I thought that there were some much better than we were before their were some room for improvement such as when we move at the end and it looks as if we knew where and what we are doing. As my fellow group members said to me I did have a smile on my face and I did look excited of the number. In the Maltida number I think we did amazing on it but at the start was a bit rough as everyone came late to the song, but it went really we after that.

This was a photo we took on our last performance

Monday 19 May 2014

weekly target

Today we worked on our variety show movement and vocal skills,
I need to improve on the following areas

  • footwork
  • singing
  • smile
  • awareness of my fellow members
  • sharpness


On the last performance my weekly target was completed because my movement was sharp and my footwork was on point.
I was smiling and singing on the last show. 
I was aware of my fellow members in the last showcase.

I have completed everything with I0 had to improve.

Level 2 when I grow up rehearsal

I feeling happy with my self because I feel that I have reach my weekly target, when I am watching this video 
That wat my movement look right now 

Level 2 cabaret rehearsal

Watching this video it is showing me what I did to still improve on, but on the other side I feel that I am quite there to be reaching my target which I set my self for the variety showcase

Level 2 Bruno Mars rehearsal

In this video I think that I still need to work on my targets which I set myself because I feel like I can do much. Better than this so in my next rehearsal I have to be smiling and be happy I feel that I can bring more to the table that what I have right now.

Monday 28 April 2014


Just The Way You Are Bruno mars


Cabret song


Today we went through the Cabaret dance routine and I  have now put together our final performance. Some of us including myself are still a bit rusty with some of the moves but we shall improve once the rehearsals progress. I am very much enjoying dancing to Cabaret because it has made me more confident with dance itself and has been very enjoyable.We have also tried to add the singing of the song in with the movement too. This has proved quite successful as we are beginning to get more into the performance side of things and are all becoming more confident with it. I am struggling with the singing and movement together at the moment because I can't manage to keep up with it all as it is such a fast-paced song. But once I become more confident with the lyrics to the song, I shall be able to combine it with the movement i feel that I a improving with the movement as I am becoming more confident with the kick steps which I struggled with in previous rehearsals. I do still need to ensure that my footing is in the right time with my group members. Today we went through the Cabaret dance routine once again and have now put together our final piece. Some of us including myself are still a bit rusty with some of the movement but we shall improve once in progress. I am very much enjoying dancing to Cabaret because it has made me more confident with dance itself and has been very enjoyable.We have also tried to add the singing of the song in with the movement. This has proved quite successful as we are beginning to get more into the piece of things and are all becoming more confident with it. I am struggling with the singing and movement together at the moment because I can't manage to keep up with it all as it is such a fast-paced song. But once I become more confident with the lyrics to the song, I shall be able to combin it with the movement side. am feeling that I am improving with the movement as I am becoming more confident with the Charleston which I struggled with in previous rehearsals. I do still need to ensure that my footing is in time with my hands, in order to create a successful Charleston.Today we also worked on staging the Bruno Mars number whilst adding in the lyrics with our vocal coach.  I do feel that the staging of the Bruno Mars number is effective because it gives the audience a casual look at our interpretation of the song and it shows that we are all enjoying it and look relaxed.oday we also worked on staging the Bruno Mars number whilst adding in the lyrics with our vocal coach. Our staging for this number is very simple tt involve having half of the group on one side then the other half on the other. Then we would all walk on individually still singing the harmonies to the song, then we would assume our positio on stage. Our positions on stage are scattered with some members of the group seated and some members standing. I do feel that the staging of the Bruno Mars number is effective because it gives the audience a look at our interpretation of the song and it shows that we are all enjoying the number  and looking very relaxed about it. 

Weekly target

Weekly Target

My target for this week is:

  • To learn the lyrics to the Matilda number.
To pass this target I will need to practise going through the lyrics in my own time as well as in rehearsals at college. I do feel that I start off ok with the song but as it progresses, I begin to struggle. But I think it's more of the case that I am not very familiar with them rather than I don't remember them.

Review of target 

I feel like I'm greeting there with the target
I just neen to know all the lyrics to the song and I believe I would complete the target and I need to get the movement of it as well

Weekly target

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Weekly Target

My target for this week is:
  • To learn the lyrics to the Bruno Mars number.
    In order to pass this target I will need to read through the lyrics sheet to the song in my own time and at college. I do find this song rather hard to sing as the lyrics are quite tough to get around and it involves some of us including myself being the harmonies.
    Review of target
    I do feel that I am still working at this target because I am struggling with some of parts of the lyrics to the song but I am getting there. But I do now feel that I am more confident with the lyrics.

Weekly target

During the course of our lessons for the Variety Showcase project, we have been given the opportunity of setting ourselves individual weekly targets. These targets can be published on to our blogs and on to 3D Learning during the course of this project.
My target for this week is:

To learn the lyrics and movement to the song Cabaret.
To be sharp in the cheorgaphy 
To smile and enjoy myself

In order to pass this I will need to read through my lyric sheet at home and in college. I will also need to spend more time in lessons and out of lessons going through the actual dance routine to the song with my group members and family to help me.

Review of target
I feel that I am near of completing this target because I now i feel that I need to be sharp with my movement side of the number Cabaret and I feel that my Charleston has improved a lot better. I also feel that I am beginning to know the lyrics to the song as well but I do still need to learn them of by heart.



In today's rehearsals we went through the choreography and lyrics to all of our musical numbers that we will be performing in the Variety Showcase. I feel that we are all familiar with both the lyrics and movement to the Cabaret number but there are still a few areas to improve. However for the Cabaret number I need to ensure that I am  smiling and singing throughout the performance while still doing the choreography. Today our teachers made us do the routine while the where pretending to be children.

For the Bruno Mars number I feel that I am improving at the whole thing the singing and choreography to the performance. However I do feel that as it is such a love and likeable song, I feel that I look like I am enjoying the song and to feel relaxed and chilled not looking like I'm not enjoying it.

For the Matilda number there is still a lot of work that needs to be done, both choreography-wise and lyrics. I am quite confident with the movement side. But for all 3 musical numbers I need to make sure that I am smiling and look more like I am enjoying myself.

Variety showcase project


For this project we are working to put together 3 musical numbers for our college's variety show that will run for 3 performances. For this project we have to combine acting, singing and dancing this is for the variety showcase and we will be graded on acting and others. So far we have come to the decision of performing the songs 'Just The Way You Are' by Bruno Mars; the song Cabaret from the 1972 musical film starring Liza Minnelli and the song 'When I Grow Up' from the musical Matilda. This is because they proved popular amongst some of our group.We started with Bruno Mars "Just The Way You Are" We then began to harmonise the intro. Then some of our group wanted to have solo parts so our teacher instructed those who wanted solos, to stand in a line and take it in turns to sing the lyrics. I decided I want a solo part in the song because I feel confident enough to sing on my own, the other reason was I love the song . Then we were given feedback by the people who where watching us and I got a solo. Recently we have been learning the dance routine to the song, Cabaret. The dance is good and the song is funny to do because the song is very catchy and the actual dance routine is very exciting to perform. So far we have had our dance teacher Teaching us the dance every Tuesdays in but now we feel confident as a group doing the dance. At first I did struggle with some of the moves because I did not know any moves I missed some lesson but now I feel that I am improving. Now I just need to look sharp when I'm doing it. Then after we were now been given the lyrics to the Cabaret and we had a few run-throughs of it. The group and I started working on the song with our teacher Caroline  we began singing the Bruno Mars song with the group being split into different groups. We had the 6 solo singers singing the actual lyrics to the song.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Forced fairy tail

For this project we have been put into 3 groups of 4 and have been given the task of devising our own performance of a Roald Dahl story. My group and I have been given James and the Giant Peach. Whilst creating our performances we have to combine elements of dance and story-telling together to make our performance similar to physical theatre. So far in our group we have came up with a few ideas of what we could do for our performance and as well as giving the members of our group roles to do in the performance. I have been given the roles the Criket and Aunt sponge, this meant I had to multi-role. I am very happy that I got these two roles to James and the Giant Peach because I have always been interested in these characters and have always wanted to play as them. I am also excited to play a villain role. We also had an insight into physical theatre by watching various physical theatrical groups. This was interesting to watch as much like myself and the rest of the group has never really seen a physical theatre. This has definitely helped me to get more of an idea of what it is like,  I did feel however when I was watching these clips that physical theatre wasn't at all like I was expecting. In fact, it was so much better and was interesting to see how people use their bodies to tell stories. I was very intrigued by it all. I am very much looking forward to this project as it will be something different and will be interesting. We also got given a physical theatre dance lesson by our course tutor and it was very enjoyable. It did get tougher as we kept getting more instructions to do but was interesting to see how I got on. I now feel like I know a bit about physical theatre and this will definitely help me and my fellow group members to do our later performance. We are now beginning to work on adding elements of dance into our performance to show the different motives and personalities of the characters. For example, my character Aunt sponge  is a very cruel women who takes pleasure in taunting and bullying young James (in this case Janice). So I had to show her personality more through movement. I did find this quite difficult because I didn't know how to use my body to show these characteristics. I got given advice by my fellow group members on how to do so. We chose another male member of my group to portray Aunt Sponge to walk more or less in time with myself as Aunt Sponge and lunge towards Janice for the first scene. I was happy how the first scene went and I am now feel more confident in using my body to perform. I do feel however that I need to show more facial expressions throughout my time on stage to create effect and show my character's personality more. I have also enjoyed giving feedback to the other groups. That way they can learn from their mistakes they make and can progress. My group and I have now created the first 4 scenes of our performance. In our first scene we will have Janice in the middle of the floor with the aunts walking on from different sides to taunt her. They then pick her up and fight over her which later ends with Janice pushing them off. I am happy with this scene but I do feel however that our characters need to be developed further because they don't look realistic nor believable. I have taken on board what my tutor said the last time we went through that scene ,and I agree that the aunts could be seen more as a comedy duo like the Ugly Stepsisters from Cinderella. This is something that can be worked on. By showing that the aunt sponge and aunt spiker are quite comical and dumb-witted, we could kthought I worked well and had lots of ideas which I then shared with my group. We have now put together a beginning, middle and an end to our performance piece. We had a lot of time putting this all together and now looks more like a story. We have worked on our characters more and have had an insight into creating a small dance routine for our characters. I really enjoyed doing this because we could come up with any element of dance and real-life movement and turn it into a piece of dance. I am now feeling really confident with our performance as things are gradually coming together. 

James and the giant peach "STORY BOARD "

Scene one
In scene one they is Matt,Luke as the ugly aunts and Tamrny as Janice playing James, Janice will be sit down on the floor when the ugly aunts come in and we pick her up and swing her 4 time then she pushes us away and we run back to get her then she kick us away,then we run off but the ugly aunts bump in to eachother tht the end of scene one.

Scene two 
 In scene two it begins with Tamrny and Georgia, Tamrny will be standing we Georgia walks in as an old man and they do they move movement.

Scene three
In scene Janice does her solo then she knees down and then every comes Matt Luke and Georgia the Luke and Georgia picks her up and she try to run and the pull her back then she falls in Matt catches her and he push her and she falls and then Matt Georgia and Luke lift her up in the air and we do the clicking and spinning going out.

Scene four 
Tamrny and Georgia goes in doing a duet then Matt and Luke comes in with a duets two and then Georgia and Tamrny goes out of stage and Luke and Matt have their own funny movement.


In 1947, James Henry Trotter is a young boy who lives with his parents by the sea in the United Kingdom. On James' birthday, they plan to go to New york city and visit the Empire State Building, the tallest building in the world. However, his parents are killed by a ghostly rhinoceros from the sky and finds himself living with his two abusive aunts, Spiker and Sponge. He is forced to work all day and they threaten him with beatings and the mysterious rhino if he tries to leave. While rescuing a spider from being squashed by his aunts, James meets a mysterious man with a bag of magic green "crocodile tongues", which he gives to James to make his life better. The soldier warns him not to lose the "tongues" and disappears. When James is returning to the house, he trips and the "tongues" escape into the ground.

One peach is soon found on a withered old tree, and it grows to immense proportions. Spiker and Sponge use the giant peach as an attraction, making lots of money as James watches from the house, not allowed to leave. That night, James is sent to pick up the garbage. While doing so, he grabs a chunk of the peach to eat as one of the "crocodile tongues" jumps into it. A large hole appears inside the peach and James ventures inside, were he finds and befriends a group of life-size anthropomorphic bugs who also dream of an ideal home (Mr. Grasshopper, Mr. Centipede, Earthworm, Miss Spider, Mrs. Ladybug, and Glowworm). As they hear the aunts search for James, Centipede manages to cut the stem holding the giant peach to the tree and the peach rolls away to the Atlantic Ocean with James and his friends inside it.

Remembering his dream to visit New York City, James and the insects decide to go there, They use Miss Spider's silk to capture and tie a hundred seagulls to the peach stem, while battling against a giant robotic shark. They escape just in time. While flying, James and his friends eventually find themselves hungry and soon realize that "their whole ship is made out of food". After gorging most of the inside of the peach, Miss Spider, while using her web to tuck in James, reveals to him that she was the spider he saved from Spiker and Sponge. James then has a nightmare of him as a caterpillar attacked by Spiker, Sponge, and the rhino. When he wakes up, he and his friends find themselves in The Arctic, lost and cold. Mr. Centipede has fallen asleep while keeping watch, resulting in them further away from their destination than ever. After hearing Mr. Grasshopper wishing they had a compass, Mr. Centipede jumps off the peach into the icy water below and searches a sunken ship. He finds a compass but is taken prisoner by a group of skeletal pirates. James and Miss Spider rescue him and the journey continues.

Monday 27 January 2014


My character is Stephen in the citiezenship and my costume for it is

White shirt
Green tie
White vans

Though the play I will be wearing a white plain shirt with a jean and a tie, I am student and my costume will make me look like a propare student.

Pros for the play

Alcohol bottle filled with water for Amy and Tom for scene 1 and a mobile phone for Amy
Fake cigarettes for the gang in scene 2-5 
Mobile phone for De clerk and Gary to use for scene 3,4
A plastic baby for the girls 2,5,7
SnapBacks for Tom,Ray,Stephen scene 2 and 8
Hair dye for Tom 
Card for Tom and Tarrot reader 

The roles in the citizenship and played by

Tom- Luke
Amy- Sarah 
Ray- Georgia
Stephen- Matthew  
Martin- Henry 
Tarrot reader- Tamrny 
Melissa- Roisin 
Alicia- Kelsey
Key- Amber 
Chantel- Emma 
Gary- Ricardo
De clerk- Daniel
Tarrot reader daughter- Sonia 

In November we started looking at our own show as level 2.The play is called Citizinship by Mark Ravenhill and we had to audition today. I auditioned for a called Stephen and Martin the reason i auditioned for them they fit me. I researched for the play before audition the play is about a teenage trying to figure what he is. Ella gave us a script to learn for our auditions. i think our auditions went so well today. we had to auditon in pairs with the people we learned the lines with the audition we soo amazing. I'm going to get the part i reckon cause i think i done well. 

The part which I got was Stephen. My character is called Stephen. Stephen is a school badman with his bestfriend Ray. stephen is still at school. I'm like Ray's pet. I follow what ever Ray says. Stephen is 16 years old he is in his last year of high school. stephen is trying to act the as badman but Ray is the biggest badman. Ray has more authority over the rest.if stephen wants to say something he looks at Ray to confirm if it appropriate for the conversation. Stephen and Ray are like Batman and Robin, Ray is Batman and Stephen is Robin a sidekick.

In December we started block our play and it was going very well but it took long time for people to learn their line our show ran in 22 and 23 January 2014 our first show went really well and funny, the second show went amazing people picked up the mistakes we done on our first performance.