Monday 7 October 2013


Last we were set in groups of 4 we were given a task to do and we looked at improvisation about church, newspapers and gardening. Each group was given their own task to do. The task we were given had to be acted out. When the groups finished acting their piece the others groups had to give them feedback of what was good and what wasn't good which you need to improve on. Improvise is make up word with the act as you go along. We had to improvise our two pieces.

What is stimulus?
A stimulus can be described as a detectable change in a play that is usually the main theme of the play. Stimuli are often used to make the audience be interested in the play or notice the main protagonist or event in a play.

What is improvisation?
Improvisational theater often called improv or impro, is a form of theater where most or all of what is performed is created at the moment it is performed.

What skills did you use to perform?
  • confidence;
  • self-presentation;
  • teamwork and collaboration;
  • time management and organisational skills;
  • self-awareness;
  • self-discipline;
  • an open mind and the ablitity to move beyond boundaries and experiment with different ideas;
  • communication skills;
  • analytical, critical and research skills;
  • the ability to cope with criticism and learn from it;
  • stamina.
What specific feedback did you get given?
The feedback I was given was that I done really good on my performance but I shouldn't block everyone's way and I took that feedback and made our performance better that the first one.

How did you improve on this for your second performance?
On our second performance we improved because Tiffany gave us a feedback and we really changed our performance cause we changed the way we did it the first by listening to the feedback which Tiffany gave us.

Today we looked at improvisation again but we were not allowed to talk unless if it was need in the play. We were set in group 3 groups and we had to play as we are waiting to go in doctors appointment.

The improvisation is good because you do not need a script for it you just make the scene go on cause you will be make you own words. Tiffany gave us some ideas which we had to improvase our self and I like it cause we made our on scene and roles which was quiet good. We had to work in group were u develop some team work skills which I like.

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