Monday 9 June 2014

Variety showcase poster

This is the poster for the variety showcase which looks so bright and nice. The dates and time are written on the poster even the cost.

Monday 2 June 2014

Variety showcase review

With all 3 performances of the variety show done and I really enjoyed doing the this unit. I have  been a part of a production and a show such as variety show and I feel that this show has gave me confidence in singing and dancing. I do feel that I have been working hard in the unit as I have done singing and dancing as an experience before.I feel that I have come out of my comfort zone with my voice and i feel that it  has improved very good  since I last sang. I also feel that I am more confident with singing out aloud than I was before. The only thing I need to work on with my voice is breathe. I can never really reach those higher notes without taking a breathe but sometimes we i can quite reach the note.I also feel that my I have improved and I have become more open and more confident. A target that I have been working for some time now in this project is making that my movement is sharp at all times and smiling when I am on stage and I do feel that I have achieved this target as throughout the musical numbers that I was in for the variety show, I was smiling throughout the variety show on my face and I feel that I looked more sharper with my movement.

This was one of the costume which we had to put on for the number called cabret song. we had to dress up in all black, black t-shirt with star on the back and we had to wear some joggers .

Today we watched the videos of our numbers that we were in and I enjoyed watching and to see how we were doing in the numbers we performed on stage. I thought the Bruno Mars number did go well but We needed to make sure that we put more energy into the performance.This is because when I was performing it, I thought that there were some much better than we were before their were some room for improvement such as when we move at the end and it looks as if we knew where and what we are doing. As my fellow group members said to me I did have a smile on my face and I did look excited of the number. In the Maltida number I think we did amazing on it but at the start was a bit rough as everyone came late to the song, but it went really we after that.

This was a photo we took on our last performance

Monday 19 May 2014

weekly target

Today we worked on our variety show movement and vocal skills,
I need to improve on the following areas

  • footwork
  • singing
  • smile
  • awareness of my fellow members
  • sharpness


On the last performance my weekly target was completed because my movement was sharp and my footwork was on point.
I was smiling and singing on the last show. 
I was aware of my fellow members in the last showcase.

I have completed everything with I0 had to improve.

Level 2 when I grow up rehearsal

I feeling happy with my self because I feel that I have reach my weekly target, when I am watching this video 
That wat my movement look right now 

Level 2 cabaret rehearsal

Watching this video it is showing me what I did to still improve on, but on the other side I feel that I am quite there to be reaching my target which I set my self for the variety showcase

Level 2 Bruno Mars rehearsal

In this video I think that I still need to work on my targets which I set myself because I feel like I can do much. Better than this so in my next rehearsal I have to be smiling and be happy I feel that I can bring more to the table that what I have right now.